Saturday, January 28, 2006

This is totally amazing!!

SO I went to this site originally to find a flash video that Vanessa had once shown me, called Magical Trevor. Which is a funny video and you should watch it.

But then I went to the picture section and these amazing pictures of sidewalk art.
This guy who does them is amazing and you'll understand why as soon as you see them.

Thursday, January 26, 2006


You scored as Mrs White. The less informatin people have about you, the better. Hey if they really want to know what you are like, they can chance meeting you in private. Your simple style shows you aren't out to impress anybody, but rather please yourself

Mrs White


Mr. Green




Professor Plum


Mrs Peacock


Colonel Mustard


Miss Scarlett


Clue...Who Are You?
created with
My friend Kate created this quiz!!

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Another Job!!

SO I got another on campus job!!
I will work for Phonathon this semester, which means I will be calling Westmont alumni asking them for a donation to the college. I have training this week and work starts on the 30th. I will have two 3hour shifts a week. Yay more hours means more money!

And this week my Old Testament Professor will not be here Wed. or Fri. so we don't have class those days. SO I'll be free on Wed. and Fri. at 12:35pm, no more class after studies in Lit. Ahh Studies in Lit., I have an essay to write for that class due tomorrow!! I think I'll be fine I just have to make sure I don't waste too much time today.

Saturday, January 21, 2006

It is finished!!

Ok all this past week, all of us have been helping to build this puzzle in Helen, Vanessa, and Mary's room. We would work on during movies, while waiting for people to go to dinner, etc etc. And well it brought about a lot of good quotes for our quote book and a few ongoing jokes. For example now that it is done and photograhpias have been taken, Cory now has the freedom to destroy the puzzle as a ninja.

Anywho, here is the puzzle that will puzzle us no more!!

Monday, January 16, 2006

Three Day Weekend

This weekend is the first weekend after a first week of classes, and it happens to be a three day weekend. And a lot has happened already.

Friday: In the afternoon Vanessa and I went down to State Street to run some errands. I got my hair cut, bought socks and hairdye. Vanessa had to buy some art supplies for class. For dinner we met up Helen, Cory, Kate, Jean, Dylan, Nick, Cal, Emily, Jessica, and Mary. And we ate at California Pasta and it was very satisfying. Then after dinner we went to Borders and looked at the books in the humor section and a few people actually bought stuff. Then we went to this park where there is this totally awesome kids play area, called Kids' World. There we playd sardines and tag. Good times.

Saturday: Kate helped me try to dye my hair brown. By try I mean that my roots took to the dye but the areas that were still black stayed black. So my hair looks kinda emo and Cory said it even looks punkish, so right now I am a emo punk. Hahahe. Later in the evening a group of us went to get boba. Kate, Jean, Yuko, Emily, Mary, Cory, Tyler, Cory's roommate whose name I think is Mark, Nick, and Me.

Sunday: Not much happened for me in the morning. I had stayed up late saturday night and didn't wake up in time for church. So I did a lot of homework. Then later in the evening I meet everyone at dinner and we went back to VK after dinner. There we goofed off for several hours, we found this game online that caught all of our attentions for like a whole hour. It was most amusing. Then Cory, Mary, Kate, and Myself went to Blockbuster and rented Madagascar and got some food at Taco Bell. Then we all watched Madagascar and it was pretty funny.

Now somewhere in there we watched Transporter 2, Clue, and Robin Hood Men In Tights. But I can't remember which nights we watched those.

Today: Today we plan to see Hoodwinked at 5pm. That's all that is planned so far.

Saturday, January 14, 2006


Yes, I got a haircut.
I cut my hair really short. Like I haven't had this short in a long time.
And I plan to dye it again, but closer to my natural color so I can slowly get back to my natural hair color. Let it grow out. My friend Kate, is going to help me dye it today.

As soon as I have some good pics to show you I will.
So be on the look out for photos!!

Three day weekend!!! So happy. Need to do something fun tonight and monday!!

Addition 1/18/06
ok here are some pics of my haircut.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

No comments...

I have had a total of like one comment since I started this blog. Maybe not enough people know about it and I need to tell more people. I don't know. Or maybe I haven't posted anything they find interesting enough to comment on. I really don't know. I will try more publicity and see what happens. I did change a setting so that anyone can leave a comment, so maybe that will encourage people to leave comments.


I am so happy to be back at Westmont. I love seeing my friends. Now since like five people from the large group of people that I was becoming a part of last semester, are away on off campus programs, I now have a chance to get to know some people more. I think this semester is going to be a fairly good semester. I'll have to see.

I also am excited for my job in the post office. Right now all I do is sort mail, but it is kinda fun. I don't work much, only two hours a week. BUT I interviewed today for Phonathon, which if I get the job, I will work more hours a week and thus make a little more money. I really hope I get the job, because I really like the lady who runs it and it sounds like such a good and fun working environment. Fingers crossed!!

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Good Ole Westmont

I am now back at Westmont. I am looking forward to starting classes tomorrow. More importantly I can't wait to see all my friends, for I haven't seen everyone yet. Maybe at dinner tonight, I'll find them. Yesterday I was the first one back to my room, my roommates had not yet arrived. I unpacked and moved my desk around so I could set up the fridge. Around 10pm we, those of us who were here, watched The Wedding Crashers in Zak's room. It was a pretty funny movie. It finished after 12 and I went to bed around 1. Then at like 2 in the morning John arrived! He cut his hair and it is really short now. He looks nice. We are still awaiting Daniel's arrival. We he gets here we need to find a good place for the TV.

I have just purchased my books for my classes this semester. Speaking of my books! I only have 5 BUT 4 of them, mind you the four that i need all on MWF, are huge fat books. I have no idea how i am going to handle them yet. I'll figure that out this week. I need to find Bill from the post office because he needs to sign my forms so I can begin work tomorrow morning.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

A Job!!

I got a job to work in the Westmont Post Office.
It is only two hours a week, so I can still look for another on-campus job.

Well, that's it for now. Just wanted to share my good news!!

Monday, January 02, 2006

117th Rose Parade

2006 Rose Parade!!

(Leann Rimes is in there somewhere)