Wednesday, August 09, 2006

huzzah for internet cafes!!

Hi everyone!!
I'm blogging from Gdansk, Poland. It is soooo amazing here. The city is soo old and full of history. You can see all the history on the streets, the buildings, and just everywhere.
Last night was our first of two performances in Gdansk. The church we are performing in is just mindblowing. It is soo big and old...omg it is just spectactular. This show was made for this space. It fits it like a glove. It is like John Blondell was thinking about this space the whole time he was directing us. The show went really really well.
Tonight we have another performance in the church, which by the way is called St. John's Church.

I was a little nervous about the fact that were going to be in a country that doesn't speak English, but to my surprise many of the people who work in restaurants etc, actually do speak English fairly well. That is soo nice.

I don't know how to post pics on this computer so you will have to wait to see those. I don't know when or if I'll get back to an internet cafe, so hope you enjoy this little blog and I look forward to telling you all about my trip in person when I get back.

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